Phil is our founder, owner and the brain behind Chasing Peaks. Hill Walking since the '90s (read: since he could walk) and climbing for almost as long he has amassed a wide range of experience growing up in the lower Alps. Since moving to the UK in 2009 he has built an ever increasing repertoire of qualifications despite living in one of the least mountainous parts of the country.
He currently holds the Summer Mountain Leader (MLS), Rock Climbing Instructor (RCI) and Climbing Wall Development Instructor (CWDI) awards, allowing him to lead people on non-technical and non-wintry walks, hikes, expeditions and scrambles anywhere in the lowlands, moorlands, uplands and mountains of Britain and Ireland. As a qualified climbing instructor he teaches the full spectrum of indoor climbing skills, including lead climbing, and introduces people to climbing on real rock outdoors. Phil also provides basic coaching in climbing movement and technique up to intermediate level.
Aside from the outdoors, Phil enjoys good beer, good food and good company while also occasionally writing about all things outdoors in his blog.
Phil is also a qualified first aid trainer and constantly expanding his repertoire of qualifications and experience, which will eventually lead him to obtain the Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor (WMCI) and International Mountain Leader (IML) awards alongside a multitude of other activity qualifications. Once achieved this will place him among the ranks of some of the most qualified instructors in the country, allowing him to provide the full breadth of mountaineering activities in the UK and indeed most of the world. However, due to the specialised nature of these awards it is difficult to predict when he will have achieved these fully.
In his current working life Phil is a geospatial professional by trade. The unique combination of the outdoors and geo data has led him to offer his expertise and skills to other outdoor instructors and companies. Whether you are looking to create your own bespoke maps or would like us to do so, take a look at our mapping outlet Chasing Maps for more details on this.